Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Exploring Captivate 6.0

Well I have been using Articulate and now I have had the chance to explore the Captivate 6.0 from an eLearning perspective.
Let me quickly list the new features of this too along with its advantages and limitations.
Adobe has introduced Characters and Interactions in this version of Captivate.


Now we all know who important have interactivities are as far as WBTs are concerned. Articulate Engage has already shown us a wide variety of interactivities that we readily use to pull out a WBT in no time. Captivate has done something similar. There are four categories of characters that Captivate provides; as shown below:

Nevertheless, my concern here is am not sure how useful these characters are. Some of these characters are not downloadableand some have weird expression that we can hardly use in our courses.

Next, let us move on to the interactions. There are 10 odd interactions and you can choose to download more. The interactions are as follows:

·         Accordion

·         Tabs

·         Process Circle

·         Pyramid Stack

·         Timeline

·         Circle Matrix

·         Pyramid Matrix

·         Glossary

·         Award Certificate

·         Word Search
For each interaction, there are 10 to 17 different types of themes. You can go ahead and customize these themes to suit your requirement.


You can customize the button color, button text - font type, font color, and font size.


Similarly, you can customize the look and feel of the content and header.


You can choose to either retain the header and description or remove it completely. All you need to do is to select the Header –On or Off button.


One of the limitations of these interactivities is that if the label or button text is too long, you can not customize the button size. Also, there are a maximum of 6 labels and buttons. What if the content is more and we need to add more labels? Nevertheless, the interactivities and characters are very intuitive and easy to use. It won’t take you more than 2 days to explore all the interactivities. You can add images and audio to all the button/label text.

That’s all for this post. Happy Captivating J